Running a marathon can be an amazing way to prove to the world that you are an individual who possesses the highest possible level of physical fitness that the human body can give to anyone, but suffice it to say that the training regimen for these long distance runs require you to be really careful during training. It is quite common for marathon runners to get injured over the course of their expedition, and a big part of the reason why that is the case has to do with the fact that our bodies just aren’t designed to take this much strain without being adequately prepped for it well beforehand.

You will obviously have to improve your stamina by incorporating running into your training, but you should also go to Marianne Wells Yoga School for yoga teacher training at any given point in time. Yoga training allows your body to relax by stretching its muscles out. This promotes blood flow to the region which can help you recover from soreness a great deal faster in some way, shape or form. You see, your muscles will suffer from lots of little microscopic tears when you push yourself, and yoga can help speed up the recovery process.

There is no chance whatsoever that you will be able to run all that far if you are taken out of commission for an entire week after a single training session. Doing yoga helps to mitigate the likelihood of such an occurrence. It is something that everyone should do, but it is especially important for those that are training to run a marathon so you should try it out.